Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Crystal hunting 20 Kim's from Mocambique border

Well at least 1200kms on this trip.

Don't let anyone say that the economy is sluggish, the amount of trucks fully loaded and up to 10 trucks one behind the other made the first part of the journey quiet a challenge as we left Durban at 4pm and arriving at our stop over just after 7.15pm , the rain did make it a little more challenging .

On Friday 15th in the morning we left in convoy albeit a small one 4 4x4's and our trusty Atos ,we were offered a lift however we said that Atos has survived and done a lot more hectic terrain, we then headed off to our destination, the middle of know where:)

Well crystals normally do live in remote places. We passed over Jozini dam wall and stopped for a while to take in the view of the wall and also River lodge , see pics attached.

After our stop we headed to various spots .Buying and collecting treasures that you see in the pics.

Lots of treasures ,now full's Bee Light Crystal shop.
We had to leave our fellow rock hounds early to come back for for a 50th birthday party.

All in all a successful trip .

They say rock hounds never grow old they just become fossils :-)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Off on another crystal treasure expedition

Off to near Mocambique boarder to get crystal treasures for the shop .will keep you posted