Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Interesting fact/thought, you will never see your own eyes in this life , only in a how do we find , experience ourself , the I , ... We see the. I in the reflection of the Other ...
So observe the other And maybe see parts of you who are , Love , joy , laughter .. And irritation, frustration , anger ..they all exist .... No no the Mind says thats not me .. Thats them .. Really ... Take another look  Ps and then just have fun .. Life is the Game .. LOL

Monday, 15 July 2013

Tarot card toady.. Sorrow

Ha ha .. Inspired from yesterday workshop.. To do a bit of tarot .. Using my voyager.. Tarot deck 

And i said to the group don't always have the need to have a uplifting card .. So what do i pull today.. sorrow ..its a good card though , even though I am not feeling sorrow , its my day off .. To play , paint , walk on beach

Here is what Sorrow said to me .. And as Sara taught is to look at symbolism , and not  the info in the book .. 
Firstly the 6 in numerology , is about caring , nurturing nature , so thats what i am doing today .. Caring nurturing
2.So interpretation from picture , is to see the reflections of life , the lake in background, ,  evn though the sky looks cold it has a beauty, the vase is beautiful design and as it release sorrow , there is a beautiful transformation in form of flowers . The elephants represent ancient wisdom and strength to draw from .
3.The broken  cups that held the sorrow can now be discarded

4. So feeling your feelings and you liberate your spirit ..

So now off to finish my painting .. Breakfast first Yeah ! 

Friday, 5 July 2013

Painting in progress

My painting in progress.. Started last sunday, have a fair this sat at aloe festival, and holistic fair on sunday at Ballito .. So Monday is paint day , thanks Tracey for running shop on monday for me .

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Life path guidance , I think this is worth sharing ...

The life path reading gets you to a place where unconscious beliefs , patterns , hold you back.Usually from the past, and often what is going to happen in the future!
I am able to see thru the hand reading and also using cards to bring these to light .
Then  we together will clear them, so that should they come up again , you will have the tools to observe the mind and effectively become the master of the mind,
This is done by feeling what is not working in your life by using Infinity process.. Not thinking .. 

Ie :-Everything is Nothing with a twist , so effectively I guide you to bring both Negative (sad)and Postive (love)into one experience, into the Now .. With feeling .. Not thought

Always allow both sides of negative and positive feelings to exist in this experience..because they actually do , it takes effort ro push them away ..

A very powerful place to be in , a place of acceptance and place of being lighter...

Once this is done you have tools , you can use on a daily basis so that you are not  run by the mind , so you actually operate , being in the Now, the present moment, when we are awake we can experience what ever comes our way and then let it pass.. 

A much more rewarding way as opposed to Think we have to make effort to be happy ...

Reading costs for half hour ..R200.     In depth 1hr R350

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Crystal consciousness workshop

Crystal Consciousness Workshop
Saturday 18th of May 2013
9:30 to 13:30

Do you want to know how to use your crystals more effective in your daily life?
Do you want practical “know-how” on how to live your life Lighter, with more ease and joy?
This transformative, empowering, informative Workshop will be held on:

Cost: R350 (Includes: Manual and 4 stones of new consciousness: Merkebah Calcite, Staurolite, Selenite and Celistite)

9:30 to 11:00
Crystals our Powerful Allies
You will be shown various ways to use crystals to create a place where you have peace, joy and abundance in your life.
Also specific uses for crystals, how to balance your energy body and the meaning of the specific crystal you choose.

11:30 - 1.30pm
The Power of the Now
Powerful and Practical tools to observe the Mind and unconscious patterns/ thoughts that create havoc in your Life,
and experience being in the Now
Balancing your life experience and creating a Lighter side to Life.
Typical issues we clear: No Money; No Love; No Trust; Guilt Feelings

Coffee, Tea and cakes available from Indulge coffee......

Note: I have space for 8 participants,
late bookings will be placed on a waiting list for future courses.

For Bookings Contact: Barry 082 300 1248 | |

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Smudge and incense

Wide range of smudge for space clearing , in homes, business , also used in some restaurants and doctors waiting rooms, hair saloons

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Beautiful Namibia specimens

Just taking pics of some of the amazing crystals in Bee Light Crystals shop in the

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Finger holds , Jin Shin Jyustu



Worry, depression, Anxiety
Stomach, Spleen
Stomach aches; headaches; skin projects; breathing; nervousness.

Fear, Mental confusion, frustration
Kidney, Bladder
Digestive projects; elimination; wrist; elbow; upper arm discomforts; muscle projects, backaches

Anger (“give someone the bird”) irritability, indecisiveness
Liver, Gall Bladder
Eye vision projects; fatigue; forehead; discomforts; circulation projects

Sadness, fear of rejection, grief, negativity
Lung, Large Intestine
Digestive; breathing; ear or serious skin projects

Overdoing it (“trying to”)
Heart, Small Intestines
Bone or nerve projects; sore throat; bloat

Friday, 12 April 2013

Radial loop

So nice to refresh information as I attended "Your life is in your hands "@ , With Sara van de Merwe our facilitator

I felt all of us ,Mandy, Mariaan,Smanga had great time discovering our own traits from the our hand prints.
Such a amazing tool to bring you to a place of self acceptance, as it is all in your hands.

I was reminded of the radial loop on my water finger, on my right hand (conscious hand) why I am drawn to guidance,one of the attributes is Natural Councillor, also can mirror others, open to energy from the outer world, other people reflect back their patterns of habits etc that they may not be aware of.

Also it's easy to put oneself into someone's else's shoes,there is great empathy for the suffering of others because they can pick up quiet acutely from unspoken messages, I guess that is what we call our intuition.

Pretty neat stuff hey when giving guidance and bringing things to light and thus acceptance.

Challenges :- radial loop people rather stand up for others and may not stand up for themselves!
I have worked on this one and now certainly stand up for myself , so sometimes I may not come across as nice, I don't do nice anymore I am just real.
Can be sensitive to criticism, hmmm work in progress :)

And all this just from my hand :)
Bee Jay

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Lesotho Crystal hunting trip 2013 March

Getting ready to head to Lesotho for crystal mining ...

Wow 4 years ago at Splashy

Life is the journey.. MORE TO FOLLOW

THURSDAY 28th March Easter weekend. 4.15 am

Early start, aimed to get to Clarens for breakfast at 8.30 , and meet Craig and gang and then convoy 100kms into Lesotho .

A accident just outside Harrismith at 7.30am, delayed us ( Sara and I) till 9.30 and then finally arrived in Clarens for breakfast, Craig and the gang, went up Olifants hoek pass via bergville so were there at 9 .They visited the crystal shop in Clarens , so didn't need to feel guilty for the delay .

Sailed thur the border post and arrived at destination around 2pm.. Aloe guest chalets ..about 70 Kms inland. Just chilled and registered and set up our trading table in registration room ..

80 rock hounds will eventually arrive by Friday evening , all from South Africa,different nationalities , Belguim,German, Chinese, Afrikaans, English , Sotho. from young to old.

The deputy President opened the Gemboree on Friday evening , and they , I am sure we're very grateful for the influx the 80 people brought in .

One thing that came across is that the people of Lesotho we met were very content, even though their lots in life may not be opulent . I figure that as we saw the houses that were in the fields ,they were always full of crops, mealies, vegetables etc, and there was a noticeable lack of litter, very little plastic..

We all congregated to go in convoy early in the morning , probably about 30 cars, and bakkies and 4x4's.A lot of people commented on the Tata sedan that I was driving , as it managed very well keeping up with the 4x4 , in the rough terrain , that we encountered on way to the volcano.

I found some really quartz clusters at our first site just 10 km from our base.

We returned home after lunch and in afternoon traded in registration room , selling crystals etc from Bee Light Crystals, swooped stories and bought few goodies from the only other trader..

Early to bed, pleasantly tired after a day in the sun and physical exercises bending and picking up treasures... Because of the high altitude, the air felt thinner , if that's the right expression...

We went off to the dinosaur foot print site , see pic. After that looking for agate, we left just before the rain came, see the pic , looming clouds..

When you travel in Lesotho expect road blocks, usually checking road worthiness and licenses, we always found the police very friendly, and its good to learn to speak a little Sothu , thank you sounds like GAALA BOA . The G is pronounced with very guttural sound..they , all the people appreciated the effort .. And not a lot could speak or understand English .

Back early for lunch and then afternoon , mineral auction , some very nice donations which sold well . We managed to get some beautiful Green Adventurine slices, Sara will turn that into jewellery, also beautiful Abreciated jasper beads ..

Trip to Katse dam, 100km east from our base, the trip because of step inclines and descents will take over two hours, often driving in second gear as to avoid brakes over heating and failing. There are lots signs to tell you engage low gear and not use brakes , the signs say brake failure due to over heating kills... To say the least the out going trip was bit nerve racking , on way back bit easier.

The visit to the dam was interesting , it is 50kms long , so one drives with it in view for a while. It is used to generate 70% of Lesotho electrical needs, and it also feeds the the three main rivers heading to Gauten province , thus supply johhanesburg and surrounds with water.. South Africa funded 90% of the project which took 7 years to complete. In return for using Lesotho water resources, SA pays R54m a month for the water.

We left early so missed going under the dam wall for 1.5 hrs tours, I was glad to miss didnt feel like confined spaces ..

We reach boarder at about 4 pm .. Chaos reigned , double lane traffic blocked bridge, and at least 500 people on foot going back into SA .. Eventually some police came and started directing traffic, and cars moved thru quickly. We reached our overnight stop in Fouriesbergs at the Meeringkloof nature, enjoyed a meal at the Die Plaas Stoep , everyone in the small town was so friendly.

The next morning, we took a walk into the nature reserve to amazing huge over hang rock , probably size of two football fields... See pics..

After that back thru Clarens , Harrismith and had to duck under cover just by howick as a major hail storm went on for over 30 mins, and of course created a accident .. Arrive safe at Umdloti 6.30 pm.. Tired and well rested from the outside world ..

Unpacked luggage and crystal treasures ...