Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Interesting fact/thought, you will never see your own eyes in this life , only in a how do we find , experience ourself , the I , ... We see the. I in the reflection of the Other ...
So observe the other And maybe see parts of you who are , Love , joy , laughter .. And irritation, frustration , anger ..they all exist .... No no the Mind says thats not me .. Thats them .. Really ... Take another look  Ps and then just have fun .. Life is the Game .. LOL

Monday, 15 July 2013

Tarot card toady.. Sorrow

Ha ha .. Inspired from yesterday workshop.. To do a bit of tarot .. Using my voyager.. Tarot deck 

And i said to the group don't always have the need to have a uplifting card .. So what do i pull today.. sorrow ..its a good card though , even though I am not feeling sorrow , its my day off .. To play , paint , walk on beach

Here is what Sorrow said to me .. And as Sara taught is to look at symbolism , and not  the info in the book .. 
Firstly the 6 in numerology , is about caring , nurturing nature , so thats what i am doing today .. Caring nurturing
2.So interpretation from picture , is to see the reflections of life , the lake in background, ,  evn though the sky looks cold it has a beauty, the vase is beautiful design and as it release sorrow , there is a beautiful transformation in form of flowers . The elephants represent ancient wisdom and strength to draw from .
3.The broken  cups that held the sorrow can now be discarded

4. So feeling your feelings and you liberate your spirit ..

So now off to finish my painting .. Breakfast first Yeah ! 

Friday, 5 July 2013

Painting in progress

My painting in progress.. Started last sunday, have a fair this sat at aloe festival, and holistic fair on sunday at Ballito .. So Monday is paint day , thanks Tracey for running shop on monday for me .