Tuesday 18 June 2013

Life path guidance , I think this is worth sharing ...

The life path reading gets you to a place where unconscious beliefs , patterns , hold you back.Usually from the past, and often what is going to happen in the future!
I am able to see thru the hand reading and also using cards to bring these to light .
Then  we together will clear them, so that should they come up again , you will have the tools to observe the mind and effectively become the master of the mind,
This is done by feeling what is not working in your life by using Infinity process.. Not thinking .. 

Ie :-Everything is Nothing with a twist , so effectively I guide you to bring both Negative (sad)and Postive (love)into one experience, into the Now .. With feeling .. Not thought

Always allow both sides of negative and positive feelings to exist in this experience..because they actually do , it takes effort ro push them away ..

A very powerful place to be in , a place of acceptance and place of being lighter...

Once this is done you have tools , you can use on a daily basis so that you are not  run by the mind , so you actually operate , being in the Now, the present moment, when we are awake we can experience what ever comes our way and then let it pass.. 

A much more rewarding way as opposed to Think we have to make effort to be happy ...

Reading costs for half hour ..R200.     In depth 1hr R350