Monday, 10 September 2012

Becoming the Human Crystal

Well so refreshing hearing and experiencing about how we can resonate with crystals.

I mean really practical information
Like the pink in rose quartz comes from magnesium , magnesium creates a peaceful feeling. I like it, in fact Edgar Casey book on crystals explains why the minerals in crystals are what benefit our physical being.

So as Naisha says she probably going to burst a few bubbles as far as some "authorities " on crystal use . The explanations are not to disprove but for you to basically work with the resonance of the crystal , we did it with Primus activation healing technique, which is available if you go to her site

We just touched tip of the iceberg and there is a full time course available on line.
Also she has a free-download of The Little Book of Infinite Abundance for a limited time
Well could go on and on , suffice to that the course is worth doing. I am sure it's going to help me and the people that come in touch with me.
So Primus meditation it is .... Daily.

And always verify with each crystal what it does in your field of resonance , don't listen about the story of the stone, feel the resonance of it with your heart, basically that is the function of the Primus meditation.

Chat soon
As always in Light and Joy

Monday, 3 September 2012

September news :- Becoming the Human Crystal, Indian Head Massage workshop,Inspire with new crystal stock just arrived

Well even though I was in bed most of today and yesterday, man down , yes I can hear Ararh those males are such ninnies . Guilty as charged :)As I look out bed weather is here!

Well managed to get five bookings for my Indian Head Massage Workshop on the 15th Sept . Come and join , there still a few places left. Use amongst family and friends or earn some bucks doing Indian head massage.

Becoming the Human Crystal Program with Naisha Ahsian from USA ,begins this weekend for two days. She is co author of well known Book of Stones.Looking forward to learning new stuff on crystals.

New stock arrived :- green fluorite tumbled and in rings:- good for healing the heart and clearing unwanted energetic "hooks" from other people.

Also in rings Hematite :- grounding , stone of the mind, calming.

Leopard Stone :-is a stone of shamanic journeying, as well as aiding is service to others. Connects one with animal totems (or power animals), good for business.It is a protective stone.

Also in stock obsidian ,onyx,pink turquoise , red sardonyx, green jade,lemon jade which inspires wisdom , practicality & peace

Plus plus

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

July update

Well another month gone by.

Yet another successful Creating with Crystals and Conciousness the lighter side of life workshop.

Naisha Ahsian co author of book of stones will be out here in sept, for The Human Crystal Workshop . Cost R2250
Contact Kathryn Coulson to book

On a personal note Richard my son has been doing the three peaks challenge to help Cure for Carys ,highest peaks in uk ,see Pic,also check out

Gary down under is just getting better each day being best dad, oh yes and changing lots of nappies. I love technology cos just the other day we chatted on skype and he was his iPhone pushing his daughter in the pram, so I got a walk around view of his neighborhood.

At home we off to Johannesburg to celebrate Sara's daughter wedding at The Cradel of Man Kind.

Well that's all time allows check you soon ,Bee Jay

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Crystal hunting 20 Kim's from Mocambique border

Well at least 1200kms on this trip.

Don't let anyone say that the economy is sluggish, the amount of trucks fully loaded and up to 10 trucks one behind the other made the first part of the journey quiet a challenge as we left Durban at 4pm and arriving at our stop over just after 7.15pm , the rain did make it a little more challenging .

On Friday 15th in the morning we left in convoy albeit a small one 4 4x4's and our trusty Atos ,we were offered a lift however we said that Atos has survived and done a lot more hectic terrain, we then headed off to our destination, the middle of know where:)

Well crystals normally do live in remote places. We passed over Jozini dam wall and stopped for a while to take in the view of the wall and also River lodge , see pics attached.

After our stop we headed to various spots .Buying and collecting treasures that you see in the pics.

Lots of treasures ,now full's Bee Light Crystal shop.
We had to leave our fellow rock hounds early to come back for for a 50th birthday party.

All in all a successful trip .

They say rock hounds never grow old they just become fossils :-)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Off on another crystal treasure expedition

Off to near Mocambique boarder to get crystal treasures for the shop .will keep you posted

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Break thru

Shew sometimes it's not easy remaining conscious, however making the effort has its rewards when you make a break thru.
Thank all of you who pushed and supported me thru. Couldn't have done it without you
Love Light and Laughter

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

10 steps to setting your boundaries , useful in daily relationships with any human being ;)

From my section on web page under chirology life path guidance

Ten Tips for Communicating Clear Boundaries

In communicating with others, others being partners, children, parents, co workers, staff, anyone with whom you need to communicate regularly.
What I have noticed in my work is that most people when communicating are often not heard or often don’t listen. Usually we don’t make eye contact and even don’t sit /stand in front of the other.

The Native American Indians use a talking stick when they wish to communicate; the speaker and the listener give that space “sacred attention”. How often have you heard, but you didn’t even hear what I said, or you didn’t say that.!

The following ten points can improve communications and therefore understanding between others, without us /them taking it personally.

1. Instead of seeing a boundary as a limit or an imaginary wall that you have to protect with a sword, consider it a technique that allows you to feel safe and more fully expressed.

2. People don’t know your boundaries until you inform them.

3. When possible, inform people what your boundaries are before they are breached.
Example. “I’ve being doing boundary work lately and I’ve recognized a few basic rules that, when observed, allow me to be at my best. Would you like to hear my boundaries?
Do you have any boundaries that you’d like me to honor?”

4. Let people know how you like to be treated without blaming, shaming, or making them wrong. It is helpful if you reiterate that all you want them to do is to listen to you, they don’t have to respond at that moment, or fix anything, just listen.Also important that you are clearing with their behavior Not the person , so they mustn't take what is being said personally !

Usually when you have clearly stated that all you require from them is to listen and not even respond or apologize , and tell them this how you are feeling , and you realize it is your stuff that is coming up from their behavior , and by saying how you feel is a good way to bring it to consciousness, so that you can resolve and clear it in you own self . Once this is made clear the other person usually willing listens totally as they don't have to respond.
If the other wishes to respond encourage them to wait a while before they do.10mins or so.

All they really require them to do is at the end of your communication .Is to say "Thank you , for sharing" ,this indicates to you that you have been heard.
This is the exact way you respond when someone is clearing with you.

Remember no relationship works if you dictate to the other how they should be, it then becomes a dictatorship which usually ends up ending most relationships.

Ps one can use this Process even if the "other" is not physically present . It still has the same effect of saying how you feel.

5. True friends/partners are happy to hear how you like to be treated.

6. When a boundary is breached, it’s best to have a cleanup conversation as soon as possible after that breach. Example: There’s something I’d like to clear with you ... is now a good time ?”

When you use the word “clear” it informs them that this is not going to be an argument, but a clearing that some behavior/action has disturbed you and now you just have to express that. Remember in life, our closest relationships are our biggest teachers, it’s what we have to learn ie standing up for one self, and until you get that, the behavior /action will continue.

Interestingly we never have a problem when we want to say how we feel if it is about love ,joy ,happiness that someones behavior has made us feel , so why can't we express our frustration, irritation,anger as well,they all just feelings!

7. You always have a choice.
If someone crosses your boundaries and does not respond positively to you informing them how you like to be treated, you can simply leave, or ask them to leave, in either case without creating a scene.
If someone repeatedly breaches your boundaries, it’s your choice to spend time with that person or not.

8. Boundary setting becomes easier and more graceful each time you practice. Eventually it will feel natural and automatic.

PS,,,...Sara and I have created imaginary people we clear with , Rodney and Martha! It just adds a lightness to ones communication, ie I will say I need to clear with Martha regarding what I asked Martha to do and it hasn't been done and now I am feeling...... Irritated, annoyed etc.....the other person then does not feel it is directed at them personally .....Which it isn't. It works most times ..however one may still end being annoyed , so just sit with that feeling and then clear it .

9. Appreciate and validate your friends /partner when they have appropriately observed your boundaries.

10. Boundaries evolve as we evolve.

Sometimes boundaries have to be revised.

Listen to your body, heart, and belly. Feel, Find out where you stand by bringing awareness to the truth of where you are in your evolution. Because we are all growing, expanding, and evolving beings, our boundaries are constantly changing. As we build power we feel safer, and we create more comfortable boundaries.

Info:- from Power of Now .Stillness Speaks Echart Tolle . Ester@ Jerry Hicks ~Getting into the Vortex.Tantra &Native American Workshops and my experience in doing over 580 readings in past 4years.

Live Life Light and be 2% more conscious each day.

BeeLightCrystals 223 Windermere RD, Morningside, Durban
☼gems, stones, fossils, crystals ☼ holistic hand card, crystal readings ☼crystal jewelry and gifts ☼.Merlin’s magic aroma range ☼ solar aura balancing, conscious breath works healing ☼

Barry 082 300 1248☼
Sara 082 298 1047

Saturday, 28 April 2012

SoulCollage funshop today Sat 28 Apr 2012

Just awesome creative and gets you out the mind ! I had fun creating these .
Thank you Sara , I look forward to using these;)

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Crystal mining adventure easter 2012

Well after 8 days ,3600kms ,R2500 on fuel which well worth every cent.

We arrived back in Durban this time last week,Leaving Kimberly at 4am, going via Golden Gate and Clarens.The previous day we traveled from Springbok(90kms from Atlantic Coast in Namaqualand)
and stayed over at Augrabies Falls .

The beauty about these adventures looking for crystals is we go to places that you would not normally go to.

We traded our wares at the venue we stayed in and also bought gems from other rock hounds.

All in all we have come back with amazing crystals,natural Kunzite, Heddinite ,Chrysocola
, Blue Lace agate, Orange river hematite quartz clusters, Sillimanite, Jelly Rose Quarts (export quality).
The muscovite (mica) came in so many beautiful colors and helps balance electromagnet energy around us.

Till the next blog stay real
And I will remain always
Peacefully Abundant

Monday, 2 April 2012

Crystal Mining Adventure Northenr Cape 90 kmz from the Atlantic Ocean

Well preparing for next Crystal Hunting trip , probably about 3500 kms round trip.Sara and I will travel via Kimberly and be close to Namibian border at our destination .

We will be sourcing beautiful crystals to bring back to the shop. Also trading with other crystal enthusiasts.

So follow us and as you know the beauty of crystals is that each is unique.