Well so refreshing hearing and experiencing about how we can resonate with crystals.
I mean really practical information
Like the pink in rose quartz comes from magnesium , magnesium creates a peaceful feeling. I like it, in fact Edgar Casey book on crystals explains why the minerals in crystals are what benefit our physical being.
So as Naisha says she probably going to burst a few bubbles as far as some "authorities " on crystal use . The explanations are not to disprove but for you to basically work with the resonance of the crystal , we did it with Primus activation healing technique, which is available if you go to her site http://www.crystalisinstitute.com/
We just touched tip of the iceberg and there is a full time course available on line.
Also she has a free-download of The Little Book of Infinite Abundance for a limited time
Well could go on and on , suffice to that the course is worth doing. I am sure it's going to help me and the people that come in touch with me.
So Primus meditation it is .... Daily.
And always verify with each crystal what it does in your field of resonance , don't listen about the story of the stone, feel the resonance of it with your heart, basically that is the function of the Primus meditation.
Chat soon
As always in Light and Joy
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